FAQ home contents - simpego

FAQ home contents

Welcome to the FAQs on home insurance.

Whether you want to find out about Home contents insurance cover or simply want to know more about the different options, you’ll find the answers to your questions here.

Conclusion of insurance

Home contents insurance protects your belongings. This includes all movable items that are in your home.

All movable property for private use (including digital assets such as e-books, films, downloads and games) that are either owned, rented or leased by an insured person.

The sum insured is calculated on the basis of the number of persons, the number of rooms and the standard of furnishings.

For comparison with competitors, please note the following points:

Maximum flexibility for the customer

  • only flexible 1-year contracts
  • only Swiss household insurance with only 24h cancellation period
  • only Swiss household insurance with “buy-and-try/best-price guarantee” through daily right of cancellation (optional)
  • the three modules household, private liability and building insurance can be combined as desired

Everything important included

  • Only Swiss insurance that waives the need to check for any underinsurance in the event of partial or total loss (exception: damage caused by natural forces) (i.e. there is NEVER any underinsurance for the customer)
  • Jewellery is co-insured up to 20% of the household insurance sum (max. CHF 30’000.-)
  • Movable constructions are always included in Home contents insurance
  • 10% precautionary cover in Home contents insurance
  • Assistance package insurable in the private liability insurance (24-hour assistance, tradesman emergency service, loss of keys and bike assistance)

We have the shortest insurance conditions in Switzerland. You can find them under the following link: https://simpego.ch/de/service/downloads

Unless the rental contract provides otherwise, the personal liability insurance is sufficient for any damage to the glass of the building.

The multi-person household insurance applies to all persons living in the same household.

It makes sense to take out insurance per person. If the living situation is planned for the long term, we recommend insurance for the entire shared flat.

The family household insurance only applies to all persons living in the same household.


A change of address must be reported immediately. You can report the change simply and easily on our website via the chatbot. You can find it under the following link: https://www.simpego.ch/de/service/kundenservice

The deductible can be freely* selected from CHF 0 to 10,000. *For regulatory reasons, the deductible for natural hazards is always CHF 500.00.

An insurance contract is always personalised and cannot be transferred. You have the option of calculating your personal offer, which you can also conclude immediately online.

Scope of insurance

Home contents insurance protects your belongings. This includes all movable objects in your home.

In principle, burglary, robbery and simple theft at home are also insured; simple theft away from home can be insured as an option.

If the device is stolen at the insured location, this is covered by the standard Home contents insurance. Simple theft away from home can be insured as an option.

If the device is stolen at the insured location, this is covered by the standard Home contents insurance. Simple theft away from home can be insured as an option.

Das Velo ist Bestandteil des Hausrats und ist gemäss versicherten Deckungen in der Police versichert.

The e-bike up to 25km/h is part of the household effects and is insured in accordance with the insured covers in the policy.

The e-Velo up to 45 km/h is insured in the private liability, but excluded in the household contents.

Yes, the insurances can be taken out together and also independently of each other.

Insured items
You can insure the following items individually or in combination:

  • Household contents: all movable property for private use incl. pets
  • Garden facilities: structural facilities outside the building which are not insured with the building or which must be insured
    are insured with the building or have to be insured, such as retaining walls, ornamental fountains, paths,
    mailboxes, etc.
  • Monetary assets: cash, traveller’s cheques, precious metals, securities, etc.
  • Third-party property: movable property and animals temporarily entrusted to you and the property of
  • Luggage: household effects carried along on trips
  • Mobile homes and caravans with a fixed location: including permanently attached equipment and
    accessories such as hobs. The household effects brought along in the mobile home/caravan can be insured as
    insured as household effects.
  • Valuables: expensive individual items which, over and above the normal household contents cover, are to be insured against
    risks, e.g. bicycles and e-bikes, sports equipment,
    works of art, musical instruments, antiques, etc.

Self-installed carpets as a tenant, are insured via the household contents.

Self-installed wall cupboards as a tenant, are insured via the household contents.

Home contents insurance is generally voluntary in Switzerland. However, it is compulsory in some exceptional cantons: Nidwalden, Vaud, Fribourg and Jura. The cantons of Nidwalden and Vaud require insurance against fire and natural hazards, which must be taken out through the cantonal fire insurance company. Fribourg and Jura also require insurance against fire and natural hazards, but the insurer can be chosen freely here.

Aquariums themselves are insurable under the supplementary cover “sanitary facilities”. Water leakage and spoilage of the contents are already insured under the standard covers.

Movable constructions including their contents are also insured, provided they are included in the sum insured.

A guitar is considered a normal item and is covered by the household insurance.

Yes, collectibles are insured under the household contents.

Yes, pictures are insured under the household insurance.

Spoilage of the food is covered by the insured risks of the “Fire” cover. The refrigerator is insured via the landlord or, if owned, via the buildings insurance.

Caravans with a fixed location are insurable. If the location of the caravan is outside the insurance domicile but still in Switzerland, it can be insured via another location.

The basic cover already includes bicycles/electric bikes up to 25 km/h, if this is included in the sum insured. In addition, you can cover your bike against damage via the comprehensive insurance.

The classic moped with a maximum speed of 26 – 45 km/h is not insured in the household contents.

Damage case

Use our claim form and send it via email to claims@simpego.ch or contact us on +41 58 521 11 11. This number is valid for regular claims reports and as an emergency number for 24-hour assistance.

Use our claim form and send it via email to claims@simpego.ch or contact us on +41 58 521 11 11. This number is valid for regular claims reports and as an emergency number for 24-hour assistance.


The contract can be terminated on the main due date, for which a written notice of termination is required.

With Simpego, you benefit from a notice period of 24 hours per expiry.

You can conveniently terminate your contract at the end of the contract period by sending an e-mail to service@simpego.ch or using the cancellation form.